
Monday, August 07, 2006

Blue birds, Parrots, and Sea Gulls

I continue to be amazed at what we who have always been able to hear take for granted. I watch in amazement as I realize that there are several words that Chance is just now picking up. He tends to generalize things. For instance, all birds have just been, well, birds. We are now working on letting him know, that there are blue birds, parrots, sea gulls, etc.

The other night in the kitchen, I asked Chance to get me a paper towel. He looked kind of confused, so his dad repeated the question. It looked like he might just be ignoring us, but then I noticed that he was scanning the countertops with his eyes. I told his dad that I didn't think that Chance knew what a paper towel was. Once his brother pointed out where the paper towels were, Chance gladly got one for me.

My other kids just pick up vocabulary so easily compared to Chance. Chance has had to work a lot harder on understanding the names of the things around him. When you tell Chance the name for something, he usually repeats it back to you and he does a pretty good job of remembering. We just need to remember to use the new vocabulary with Chance to help him retain what he learned.

We are also working on 'his' and 'her'. Chance has not picked up on those little parts of speech that a hearing child his age would have. I could see his little mind churning when I explained that you use "her" when refering to girls and then used it in a sentence. A few minutes later, Chance verified with me about using "his" and "her".

Chance is eager to learn though, and I know that with time, he will get it all sorted out. I am so proud of him for all of the effort that he puts into hearing and speaking. I can not even imgine what it would be like to have to concentrate so much to pick up things that others just get due to normal hearing.

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