
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fireworks and loud noises oh my...

I have to say, that we love the 4th of July and all that it stands for at our house. We had several discussions, my husband and I about how Chance would react to the loud booms that are part of the 4th of July. Should we take him to the parade? Would the cannons scare him to death? What about the fireworks? Would Chance find the big booming sound as the fireworks were launched a little un-nerving? Would he want to climb under a blanket and curl into the fetal position by the time the festivities were over? Apparently not. Chance had hardly any reaction at all to all of the big boms and piercing whistling of fireworks. At only one time did he turn to us and say that it was loud when we were at the parade and it wasn't during the cannons. It was during a musical number! The cannons, and booming didn't seem to faze Chance. We would ask him if it was loud and he would smile and nod yes and then go back to enjoying the moment. Hmmmm. Very interesting. I did notice Chance covering his ears during one particulary loud, squeeling firework while we were with friends. All of us present were doing that though. Those low frequencies are what Chance heard best before so maybe they were not so new. Still, I think I would be slightly dazed if my hearing had been "turned up" during the 4th of July holdiday.

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