Today was the first time Chance had a booth test since he got the cochlear implant. For adults you raise your hand when you hear the beeps. Chance puts a toy next to his ear to signal that he is ready and then drops the toy into a container when he hears the sounds. Chance's dad was in the booth with Chance and I was in with the audiologist, on the other side of the glass. Chance's face is a give away when he hears a sound. His expression tells you before he puts the toy in the container what he is hearing. Chance's dad was skeptical that Chance could be hearing all of the sounds but I had a good view of his face and knew it was true. In the end, Chance was getting sound awarenesss in the BORDERLINE NORMAL RANGE and speech recognition at about 30db. What does that mean? It means that Chance was picking up the presence of sound in a normal hearing range. He was recognizing actual speech in the mild hearing loss range. When wearing hearing aids, Chance never heard at the 30 db range. With out any amplification at all, Chance is severly to profoundly deaf and does not hear any speech sounds at all. (He starts hearing in most frequencies at 90 to 100 db. Normal conversational speech is at about 35-45 db) The audiologist was quite amazed that Chance has come so far so fast. We of course were thrilled. The booth of course is a perfect environement that is silent with no back ground noises whatsoever. In real life cars go by, classmates giggle, the air-conditioning / heat is on, and your siblings are running up and down the hall all of which make noise. But the fact that Chance could detect the sounds where he did and even differentiate between words is a miracle. We were told that sometimes parents are disappointed at the first booth test because the child does not give the results the parents are hoping for. Not a problem with us!! We're elated with the results!!! This is what we were hoping and praying for! And it came much earlier than we expected.
This does not mean Chance's hearing is perfect or that he will hear normal from now on. And Chance will still require extensive speech therapy and struggle to hear sometimes. BUT WE HAVE LIFT OFF!!!
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