
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Making a statement

Tonight Chance took longer than usual to get his homework done. He had basketball practice and then he was a little slow getting started. The end result was that we ran out of time to play a board game as Chance wanted.

When we informed him that time for games had run out, he was not a happy camper. His mood was further dampened by the fact that we told him it was bedtime.

Chance had gotten it into his head that we had promised him we would play the board game before he went to bed.

So, as we were rounding up Chance's brothers and sisters for bed, we noticed a little addition to our living room rug. There lay Chance's blinking implants. When Chance's dad approached the devices, he could see Chance peeking around the hall waiting for them to be found. He was smiling.

When Chance's dad picked the implants up, Chance immediately let us know that he had not thrown the implants down on the floor but had set them down. Then he demonstrated how gently he had lain them down.

So, Chance was letting us know that he could no longer hear what we were saying.

As a mother, I think this is greatly unfair. If anyone should be able to block out their hearing, it should be us as parents not one of the kids. We as parents could tune out complaints and ignore whining.

We decided to just go on with our bedtime routine as usual and set the implants down on a table in the living room.

Chance did not like being unable to hear what was going on and with in 5 minutes, he had put the implants back on and we moved on as usual.

Chance takes his implants off and sets them on the floor. We covered how the floor was not a place for the implants ever to be. We don't want to make a huge deal out of this, as we have several years left for Chance to have opportunities to "not hear us". If we don;t make a huge deal out of it, maybe this won't become a habit:)

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