
Friday, May 16, 2008

The tornado

Our basement is mostly unfinished but we have plans to make a bedroom for Chance and his brother down there someday. Chance and I were discussing where his bedroom in the basement would be when Chance said,

"Yes. And then the tornado will not be able to pick us up because we'll be in the basement."

Well, I guess that is partly true. Since we don't usually have tornadoes in our neck of the woods, the threat is not really strong, but the fact that Chance is concerned shows that he is picking up on things around him.

He has been learning about weather at school and lately he has been quite interested in books about thunder, lightning, hurricanes and tornadoes. It is good to know that he gets the gist of a tornado though we may want to work on helping Chance see that he is most likely not in danger here in Utah of being swept up by one. Now, an earthquake, that is a different story. But I don't think we'll talk too much about the geological short comings of our area until we have made him feel secure about the threat of tornadoes :)

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