
Friday, June 23, 2006

To honk, or not to honk.....

Today I honked the horn of the car to get Chance's and his sister's attention. It worked. Both kids came over and got into the van. Chance was scowling in the backseat though. "You scared me!" He said accusingly. I had to smile. After I apologized of course. The smile came from the fact that about a year ago, I saw Chance riding his bike down the street as I was coming home from the store. I pulled up behind him as he rode down the sidewalk. He did not even know that I was there. Chance then suddenly got off of his bike to run into a neighbors backyard. I honked thinking that would get his attention for sure. He had absolutly no response. He just kept running into the backyard. It was a sobering day for me. I thought, "My child can not hear the horns on cars. I hope some driver in a hurry doesn't honk at him thinking they have done their duty by warning him that they are coming." Now, apparently, honking horns get Chance's attention. And that is just what I like to hear!

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