Chance: " I want to see a volcano."
Me: "Maybe we can see one in the summer."
Chance: "How do volcanos break peoples houses?"
Me: "Because the rock coming out of the volcano is hot."
Chance: "I do not want the volcano to break our house."
"There are no volcanos by our house." I say.
"Uh huh. I saw one." Chance informs me.
"Oh, did your brother show you where one is on the way to grandmas house in St. George?" I ask him.
"Uh huh. Chance says.
"That volcano is dormant, it doesn't work anymore." I assure him.
"Why does the volcano not work anymore?" Chance wants to know.
"Sometimes volcanos just do that." I tell him.
"Why are volcanos hot?" Chance asks me.
"Because the inside of the earth is hot and it melts the rock which then comes out of the volcano. I tell him.
Chance takes time to internalize this.
"Who made the volcanos?" Chance wants to know.
"God." I tell him.
"Why does God make a volcano that is hot and can break peoples houses?" Chance wonders.
"The earth is put together like a puzzle I tell him and where the pieces come together, there are volcanos."
More pondering follows on Chance's part.
This was the conversation that Chance and I had IN THE VAN the other night. Even though Chance was in back of the van, he could carry on a conversation with me. And not just any conversation, but a conversation full of new facts. At one point Chance kept asking me "what?" so I told him I would talk to him more at home. But then Chance calmly told me that the baby had stopped making noise so he could hear me now.
Wow. I had not expected Chance to ever be able to hear me this good in the van when he was in the very back and I was facing forward. Granted, two of his siblings were missing which cut down on the noise, but still, it is amazing.
Chance has ALL kinds of questions now. The other night he just kept asking me one question after another about all kinds of subjects. I finally had to tell him that he could ask one more question and then it was time for bed.
Chance has always been inquisitive, but before he was not hearing enough to catch the answers. He missed out on a lot and had to really focus on HEARING what I said. Now Chance can focus more on WHAT I am saying. He has questions about all of the wonders he sees around him or hears about.
He is just blossoming right before our eyes. It is fun to share things with Chance and to see him learn and grow. One of the biggest heartaches for me was watching Chance struggle as he had all of these questions in his little mind that he could not get satisfactory answers to because the vocabulary wasn't there and he had to put so much energy into just hearing the words.
Now Chance seems to have a new freedom. He does not have to put so much energy into hearing but can instead focus on content. I told Chance the other night that he was talking so well. He just looked at me and said."Why do you say that?"
"Because you are talking so good!" I told him.
He just looked at me as if to say "What is your point?" Apparently this is all just normal to him:)
It is like watching a flower unfold and open up revealing the beauty that is with in.
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