
Friday, June 26, 2009

Chance passes swim class....

Chance has once again passed his swim class even though he can not hear while he is swimming. He is a little trooper that kid.

He'll have fond memories of blue shimmering water, splashing, and silence as he recalls his childhood swimming days.

I still wonder what it must be like to swim with out hearing since so much of a pool experience for me has been the whack of the diving board as someone dives in, the sound of splashing, and kids laughing . A pool is so full of non stop noise, that I can not imagine what Chance's experience is as he swims in silence.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Well, I have to tell you, I had no idea there was so much noise going on in the pool! I always loved the pool, and like Chance, sound has never been a part of the experience. I was actually quite enthralled to learn all the sounds you described as being part of the experience! You can love the quiet pool too!!! :)