
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Things that go BUMP in the night...

Chance came into my room last night after I had put him down to bed and told me that he wanted me to come out. I told him to go lay down and I would be out in a minute. Chance then hung his head and tried not to cry. I wrapped my arms around him and asked him what was wrong. Chance then started to shake with sobs which is unusual for him.

"What is wrong Chance?" I asked.
"I heard a noise." Chance choked out.
"You heard a noise?"
Chance nodded.
"I heard a noise and it scared me." Chance said as he took my hand so that I would walk out with him.

Normally, this would be reason for a mother to feel protective and nurturing. I was trying not to smile and found this to be great news. MY DEAF CHILD HEARD A BUMP IN THE NIGHT AND NOW HE IS AFRAID. Who ever thought that would be possible?

I am not completely heartless. I hid my smile that had crept onto my face when I realized that Chance had heard something unknown to be wary of and held Chance's hand as I led him back to his bed. Then I sat with him until he drifted off to sleep. I also took his implants off which ensured that he would not be hearing any more bumps in the night:)

That is one advantage of having a deaf child. If strange noises are keeping them up, you just take off their implants and voila! No more noises to disturb their sleep.

I don't know what the noise was that Chance heard. He was sleeping next to his brother who did not hear anything. So, maybe it was one of those noises a house makes when things are settled down and you can now hear the buzz of the dryer, the clink of a dish in the dishwasher, or the wind blowing outside the window. All of those noises that the rest of us have learned to tune out, but Chance is just being tuned into.

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