
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Chance has a party..

Chance had his birthday party yesterday. There were 17 kids here playing games and trying to break open the pinata. Some of kids were cousins, some were siblings, some were deaf, and some could hear. I looked out at the kids and thought,"This is what I want for Chance. He can communicate and play with all the kids. There is no limit."

We played musical chairs and I must say that the deaf children did really well! In fact, one of the deaf children was the second to last to get out. The deaf kids had to concentrate a little harder to hear the music, but hear it they could. There were 5 kids altogether with cochlear implants.

I found it funny that during the game of Red Rover, when Chance was running really fast and his implant fell off, one of the other kids with an implant hurriedly walked over and picked up his implant and had it ready for Chance when he came back. It was just something that the kids with implants understood. We just got some skeleton molds made for Chance to help his implants. Skeleton molds are not as solid as the old molds, they are just something to use to help the implant say on.

Actually, the implants don't fall off nearly as often anymore. In fact, the Alexander Graham Bell Association had an event called "Talk, Walk, Run", yesterday and Chance came in 6th place in the 1K race. His implant never fell off while he was running around the park. In the Red Rover game, Chance was running at high speeds and attempting to break through the arms of his friends while they grimaced and tried to stop him.

I was reminded yesterday that Chance is able to play and interact with kids both hearing and deaf. What matters too Chance is that he can have fun and be a kid. Just what matters to his parent too:)

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