
Sunday, December 08, 2013


Every once in a while Chance does this thing where he comes out without implants,  and then proceeds to call me.






"W H A T?"  I answer looking around to figure out where he is and why he keeps calling me after I have answered him each time.

Chance will be there on a chair or standing in the kitchen, with out implants on totally and completely unable to hear my answer, calling me.


Dude!  If you want to ask me something, you have to do your part and make sure you can hear me! That is what I am thinking.

I will catch his eye by waving my hands furiously like I am landing a small plane or wad up a piece of paper and throw it at him.

When he looks at me, I tell him to put his implants on.


Deaf teenagers:)


EmmaVerdona124 said...

ROFL!!!!! that's like my parents when they said I need to go put my hearing aids in :D

(I'm like one of the crazy old goats lol)

Jui Moghe-Shewale said...

It seems this started in toddler age for us... Aarav now 3 year old will shout out to us and expect replies!! and he has the guts to get annoyed!! Sheesh, dude Wear your ears first!! haha! !!
