Today Chance got out the alphabet flashcards. As I flashed the cards, he would tell a word that started with the letter. He did a great job. The t, p, b, e and v sounds all seemed to sound alike to him. He would put his finger to his head like he was thinking. Only a few times did he need me to clarify and give him a word that started with that letter though. The t,p,b, and v sounds do all sound an awfully lot alike when you thing about it.
I thnk Chance is starting to recognize some individual words. In the last few days, I would be talking to the kids or say something, and Chance would hit on one of the words I said and ask what I had said. For instance, I said something about the neighborhood kids, and Chance asked me if the kids were coming over. And yesterday, while we were driving in the van, Chance's dad asked his brother about primary. Chance then asked me if daddy was going to primary. So he seems to be hitting on words in sentences and then asking questions about them.
Chance did get frustrated today at one point when he did not feel like he was being understood. He slapped the front of his head and then held his head in his hand. He needs us to slow down when we talk or repeat what we've said so he can catch it sometimes I've noticed. Some of it is lip reading, but Chance is also responding when he is not looking directly at your mouth sometimes too.
Chance is also requesting that he be on the left side of me when we read stories, which puts his implanted side closest to me.
All in all, we are very encouraged and Chance seems to have bonded with the implant as he wears it all day with out complaint, and seems to favor that side when listening.
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