I more saw the wind than heard it blowing. Once Chance told me on the baseball field that he heard the wind, I looked at the trees and realized that the wind was indeed blowing. Funny how little things like the wind blowing are things that we tend to take for granted.
Chance had his first baseball game of the season on Monday night. The implant is a bit of a challenge to keep steady on an active little boy. The magnet part is pretty secure, but the over the ear part is more temperamental. At a family function on Sunday, Chance's implant came off and landed on the floor causing the battery pack to come unattched. I didn't see Chance approach the table, but the room was not condusive to gaining much speed, what with the table and all of the people. Due to this fact, when Chance went up to bat at his baseball game, I helped him put the batting helmet over his baseball cap to help hold the implant in place while he ran. That seemed to do the trick as the implant did not pop off when Chance ran the bases. We do have a second processor for the implant (that is the part that goes over the ear), that is in a pouch that clips to a belt or something. That makes the ear piece littler. That may be our best bet for sports. That shrinks it to the size of a hearing aid.
Chance is doing really well. He does want you to look him when you talk to him. And he is more huggy. We don't see that as a down side though.
We had the music CD from "Fiddler on the Roof" playing today and when we got home from the store, Chance went over to turn the CD player on. The volume kept getting louder and louder so I was just about to tell him to turn it down, when I realized that Chance was really focused on listening to it. I watched to see when he would stop turning the sound up, and he about maxed it. But then, he gradually turned the volume down to a comfortable level and seemed satisfied. He looked at me and nodded. I asked him if he could hear it and he said yes. Music always has been one of Chance's favorite things. So, he is paying attention to the sounds around him and experimenting with things.
He has been on program 4 for a couple of days, and tomorrow, we get 3 new programs for him to progress through. He seems to be responding to his name (at least according to his Dad), or this may just be a hopeful, optomistic parent. In any case, he gives us plenty of things to be encouraged about.
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