Chance came in from outside quite concerned today while I was on the phone. He said that his implant was gone. I asked him where it was. He said he did not know. He could not find it. Then he said he needed my help and pulled me outside with him. Out by the swing set, Chance demonstrated how he had been twisting in the swing and his implant had fallen off and he could not find it. It turns out that the implant was lying in a weed next to the swing set. It was rather hidden and it made me realize that this implant could be quite easily concealed in lots of different places. Hopefully we won't have to experience just how many places the implant can be hidden in or next to. During Chance's baseball game tonight though, the implant stayed on. Go figure.
Chance told us today that he loved his implant. That is a good sign. Chance's dad asked him tonight if he liked hearing aids or his implant better. Chance says the implant tickles his ear. Chance has not asked for his hearing aids at all. Eventually after he has had time to adjust to his implant and the way things sound with it, we will have him wear a hearing aid on the ear that was not implanted. We are told that kids adjust well to this even though the two methods of hearing are totally different.
A snippet from a conversation this week:
Earlier this week, Chance's Dad gave him a piggy-back ride to his bed. His Dad took this opportunity to test Chance a bit, seeing as how Chance couldn't read his Dad's lips. This is how the dialogue went:
Dad: Hi Chance
Chance: Hi Daddy
D: How are you?
C: I am fine. I am happy !
D: What time is it?
C: It is time for bed.
D: Where is your bedroom?
C: (Chance points)
This was extremely encouraging to hear - it shows that he is starting to hear conversational language and not just individual words.
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