The other morning as Chance was getting ready for school, his dad noticed that one of Chance's implants was dead.(our term for when the battery dies). "I guess you'll just have to wear one implant to school today." Chance's dad said.
Chance gave us one of his exasperated looks and said "No! I need two implants!"
When Chance' s dad asked why, Chance responded "So that I can hear!"
We have done absolutely nothing to make Chance wear that second implant. We have not had to. Chance bonded with it right away. In the begining, he turned it off a few times and we would realize that the little red blinking light was not on. But that has only happened a few times. It never occurs to Chance to just wear one implant now. He wants to have both. What ever we as parents think about the positive results of the second implant, Chance validates with his recognition that he can indeed hear so much better now and he wants to have both implants on at all times. It was a hum dinger of a decision for me make concerning getting that second implant, but I don't regret it at all!
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