It is interesting to hear how loud Chance talks when he does not have his implants on. When he comes into our bedroom in the morning, he talks much louder than he normally does. This is understandable since Chance does not hear himself at a regular level of speaking with out implants on. The only reason it is noticed is that Chance's baby brother sleeps in our room so when Chance comes in in the morning and begins to tell us something, keeping the environment quiet if the baby is still sleeping, is a somewhat lost cause. And since Chance can not hear us with out the implants on, we can not tell him to be quiet. We can sign it, but that means that Chance has to be looking right at us. However, we are not complaining, just observing:) Chance does hear some with out his implants on, he has always been able to hear some things if you talk right to him and he is really close and it is really quiet. It is hard to know though what is hearing and what is lip reading. Chance is really good at reading lips.
Chance went to a Utah Jazz basketball game with his dad and brother last night. When they all got home, I asked his dad how Chance responded to the noise level at the game. Apparently, Chance was not bothered at all. He made no mention of it and did not seem to be phased. He must be adjusting well to this noise filled world if he was not traumatized by the nosie level at a basketball game what with the booming announcers, loud music, buzzers, cheers and over all noise that accompanies a game.
This morning, when I woke up, Chance was in bed with us. As soon as I opened my eyes, Chance was ready and whipped out his wallet that he got at the game. He had apparently been waiting for me to wake up. As we have mentioned, Chance was talking quite loud as his implants were not on so his baby brother who was stirring was soon up and perky. Chance told me," I got a wallet at the game and daddy already gave me a dollar because I did not have any money to put in it." That is quite a sentence. I was impressed. Chance is using more and more admirable sentences to express himself and I must say that we all just love it. His brother even runs to us and excitedly tells us about an amazing thing that Chance has said. We are having a lot of fun watching Chance's abilities unfold.
A speech therapist loaned me a book that lists the words that kids should know in kindergarten through 4th grade. Hello. There is a book out there that tells you that??!!!! Why did I not know about this before? This should help quite a bit in helping us know what words to work on. I am so grateful for this resource and the thoughtfulness of the speech therapist to loan it to me. I truly feel that a higher power helps guide us to the resources that we need as we journey with Chance into the realm of hearing. We are aware that we are watched over and blessed on a continual basis.
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