Chance's shower apparently had technical difficulties this week.
Chance wrote home:
So this past week our shower has been broken and so we have been needing to take bath's. The problem is, they don't make the bath's for grown size men so it's been an adventure! One of the parts in the shower is broken, specifically the part that runs the hot water and so every time we run the hot water through the shower, the breaker turns off.
It makes me laugh just a little to picture long
lengthy Chance trying to fold his body
into a tub that apparently was not made
for long people.
At least we know he is having some fun.
Missions are adventures, and the journey would not be complete
without some sort of apartment malfunction.
On my mission we had a washer at one of apartments that
turned one of our loads of clothes pink.
We never found out why the load went a
pink hue.
There was nothing in the load that was pink, red or any like color.
That load of laundry was an inside joke between me and my companion
for a long time.
for a long time.
The missionaries are actually very well taken care of out in the field.
It is just that when ever you venture out and live
on your own as a young person, it is not unusual to have some
sort of an apartment adventure.
Chance sent home pictures that are very Chance-like.
Nature scenes and of course, some sort of critter he found.
And of course, a spider friend he found while out and about.
Chance closed this week's email with a cowboy reference naturally.
Our heavenly father really does love all of you and wants you all to experience joy! So seek him and you will experience that joy!
Y'all are amazing! I love you all so much. Keep riding on, and when you get sore, remember that is part of life, but God will lift us and help us be strengthened.
Have a great week y'all and let me know how y'all are doing!
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