Chance's high school has a tradition. At the beginning of their senior year, students entering their last year of high school, climb up a mountain trail and watch the sun rise together to symbolize the fact that they are all embarking on the last year of their high school education.
At the end of the year, the students all climb back up a mountain trail and watch the sun go down to symbolize that their senior year is closing and they are ready to move on to the next step in their lives.
As the kids were all coming back down the mountain after the sunset, Chance found himself towards the back of the pack of students. Suddenly Chance realized that the group was dividing up ahead and walking in two separate lines as if there was something blocking the path.
It turns out that there was a spider in the middle of the path. A tarantula to be precise. Apparently many of the students are not fond of large spiders. Chance however, is one who happens to see the beauty in the eight legged critters. Our family actually had one as a pet for a few months when the kids found it outside of a dance class. The foothills of our mountains seem to provide a nice habitat for the gentle giants.
A tarantula that lives in the foothills of our mountains. They can be about the size of an adult hand. |
When Chance got up to where the spider was in the path, he stooped down and picked it up. This caused quite a reaction in some of the other students. Spiders tend to have that affect on some people.
He did not bring the spider on the path home as a pet this time. He just said a quick hello and then let the spider go on its way.
Between the hike with friends and what it symbolizes and the massive spider in the path, this moment will be one that the students will not soon forget.
This is a view up the canyon from the trail to the lookout. |
This is the view of the city from the lookout (taken after sunrise) |
This is a view looking west (toward sunset) from the lookout, taken after sunrise. |
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