Chance and one of his good friends did a road trip to check out a college they are interested in attending. The college arranged for them to spend two nights in the dorms and attend some classes.
Chance's friend is sold and plans to attend the school in the fall. Chance is still in the decision making process. He has a few schools to choose from.
Chance and his friend attended classes, cooked for themselves and played soccer. I am sure they also stayed within the speed limit each time they drove, including on the road trip to and from the school.
Chance's high school gives the seniors one excused absence for checking out colleges. Regardless of whether Chane ends up attending the school or not, he says the experience was a good one. His friend of course thinks it would be fabulous if they both ended up attending the school together. The boys could be roomies and embark on college life together. Chance thinks it would be fabulous as well, but it will depend on money. Chance is waiting to see if there will be a scholarship offered.
Meanwhile, whatever he ends up choosing, Chance is excited for his future. He plans to work during the summer to put away some cash in his bank account. College students can always use a bit of cash.
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