There was no posting on the blog last week because our family was spending some time in a cabin that was in an area that was secluded enough that it didn't have any internet access without a several mile drive.
Chance had this to say about the cabin and I quote: "This must be what heaven is like......relaxation, miles and miles of pure country to roam in. Too bad I don't live here, or else I would be able to explore this place, know it, meet the people here."
There were bald eagles soaring overhead, and a beautiful fox that would walk right up on the side of the cabin by the window. When the kids ran over to see him once, they scared him away, but he came back a few minutes later. There must have been something he really liked by the cabin.
Chance took a cross country skiing break into the quiet wilderness among the trees. He was able to enjoy the solitude and openness of the lake and the clear bright sky. It is off season for the area so we had the frozen lake and area to ourselves for the most part. Our sledding path ended out on the frozen lake, and the tracks of our snow shoes and skis made paths across the snow covered surface. We all loved it.
We played games as a family and had no appointments to keep except for the call of the snow outside the window. Many of Chance's friends wondered how one could survive without being able to use a computer or cell phone. It can be done. I was glad to see that Chance was determined to bask in nature and forgo his cell phone even before we realized that receiving service at the cabin would be difficult.
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