Chance can now say that he has biked 100 miles. In one day. All at one time. Over two mountain passes. He had trained for this. He had prepared for this. Then on Friday, he did it! And this after a 10-mile mountain hike on Thursday, in the Grand Tetons!
He climbed mountains, putting all the power he could into the course. He got rained on. And hailed on. (He has welts to show for it.) But he kept going.
He rode through the beautiful states of Wyoming and Idaho. 90% of the ride was in Wyoming. It took from 7:15 in the morning until about 6:30 at night. Chance's scout troop held the line and helped each other meet their goal. Boys who were struggling on the ride were supported on by boys who were near the front. They all cheered each other on.
He rode over two mountain passes. The first one was a 3-mile 7% grade for the final push after already climbing a steady 3% climb for several miles!!! (If that doesn't mean anything to you - it's STEEP!) The second one was a 2-mile 6% final push.
One of the scout leaders is an avid biker and Chance was able to keep up with him even going up the hills and ended up being the first boy over both mountain peaks. All of that soccer training where Chance came home exhausted paid off:)
Chance now knows that he can do hard things, like bike 100 miles in one day through rain and hail and live to tell the tale.
His dad was one of the leaders on the trip - and rode the first third of the trip with him - so he got some footage to share:
You don't see messages like this everyday on the highway. |
Chance is the guy in blue with a yellow Cochlear shirt underneath. Notice many of the boys have Cochlear shirts:) |
On the road again...... |
There is Chance keeping up with his scout leader on a looooooooong moutain climb. |
They made it! |
Chance and his dad enjoy the waterfall at the end of their 10 mile hike. |
What a view! |
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