We are hoping that the window stays put through the next two nights. That is when Chance's dad will be back from a scout campout.
What are the odds that a window would fall out while he is gone?
I told Chance that he was the man of the house since his dad and brother were gone. I did not intend for him to prove his capacity to fulfill the role.
A glance outside one of the windows that was still intact, showed the trees swaying gracefully in the wind. The sound of the wind penetrated the windows and called out that a storm was brewing.
A storm.
Could it get any better than that?
Oh, and Chance went out and staked down the trampoline so that it was not picked up by the wind and hurled into the house......where there is the potential for another window to be broken.
When we decide to make a man out of the boys at our house, we don't mess around. We just throw them right into the fray. It is a sink or swim kind of thing.
Chance's sister then attempted to climb into the window to the side of the back door. The window we told the kids was not stable and they should not open it. That window. As she slid the window up, it just jumped the track and the bottom half fell onto the floor.
It did not break, the frame was just bent up. While looking at the window laying bruised and dented on the kitchen table, I knew with a surety that this window will never adorn our wall again. We shoved it into place as best we could and lashed it into place for the time being.
It is a good thing that Chance has skills from scouts. His knots are holding part of our house together right now.
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