
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chance is a blessing

Chance recently had a birthday. Where does the time go? It was about this time 6 years ago that we realized that Chance was deaf. Many changes have occured in that time. We as a family now know a lot about deafness, audiologists and speech therapy.

We've been able to attend cochlear implant camps since Chance has implants. We give him a chear at some point during the camp to celebrate that he is the reason we are there having so much fun.

It has not been an easy journey, nor has it always been comfortable. We have had to come out of our comfort zone and we had to over come a huge learning curve as we knew nothing about deafness when Chance was diagnosed. Nothing worth while is ever easy. Not being a parent, and not our baptism by fire into the world of deafness.

Oh, how Chance has been worth it though. I look at him and my heart is filled with love. I would not change this journey we have been on. I would not exchange the deafness. There are greater challenges than having a deaf child.

Chance has enriched us, made us stretch and given us great joy. Chance is a blessing in our family that keeps on giving.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Personally, I think you and Norm have both excelled in entering this world of deafness! I'm glad you're in it, because I love counting you guys as my friends! :)