We all met at a park and ate breakfast that really nice scout leaders and spouses of A.G.Bell members prepared.
Chance is a fast little runner and this is an event that he looks forward to. He is always telling us that he wants to be a runner when he grows up.
His brother was telling us about an evening when several boys in the neighborhood were playing a game. Chance's brother kept running circles around the boy who was 'it" and was asked," How do you get away like that?! "
One of the other boys responded,"You should see his brother Chance! He can run faster than any kid I've ever seen!"
To validate that comment, Chance came in first in the 1K race on Saturday. He ran the race in 4 minutes and 43 seconds.
People at the park asked us about our group (we all had matching t-shirts designed by none other than Chance's dad). It is good to get together with other families and people who have hearing loss or who are deaf and talk. So many people just don't realize that is possible. I was one of them.
We had a great time and many of us parents got to discuss our plans for our kids next year. Would our kids totally mainstream in school? We compared speech therapy options. Were our kids getting enough?
Some of the people at the park were new faces that came to run and support our cause. Others our people that have become friends over the years. We are all on this hearing loss or deafness journey together. It is nice to have good people along for the ride.
Way to go chance!! First place!
It was a FUN event. I have to say, "Chance's Dad" did an awesome job designing the T-shirts! :)
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