
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Policemen and violets

"A policeman came and talked at my school today." Chance told me as he munched on his after school snack of cereal and milk.

" What did the policeman talk about?" I asked Chance expecting one of the usual policeman-like subjects like drugs or stranger danger. I would never have guessed the answer Chance gave.

"Violets." Chance respnded.

Violets? The police are now going to schools and giving out botony tips?

Our minds are amazing things and as I sat repeating the word violets in my head trying to give some context to what the policeman could have been talking about, it hit me.

"Violence?" I asked Chance.

"Ya." Chance replied completely unpulsed by the vast difference in those two words.

Then I asked him what the police man had said about violence. Chance proceeded to reenact a skit that the policeman had done during the assembly. "He was funny." Chance said laughing.

Violets. It is amazing how hearing just one little word off can completely change everything.

At least Chance knows now so he doesn't wonder what in the world someone means when they mention they are going to go plant some violets. Or they like violets. Or they are going to buy some violets. Or they are giving violets to someone.

Chance could have been one mixed up little puppy.

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