
Monday, November 24, 2008

Chance takes the family out to eat

Chance does excellent on his spelling tests. He is continually bringing home tests with 100% written across the top. Tonight, Chance's skill really payed off. Each time he has gotten a perfect score, his teacher has given him a gift certificate to Applebee's Restaurant. He has accumulated 4 in the past 4 weeks, so he wanted us to all go out to eat. He was willing to give one certificate to each sibling so that all might have a free meal.

It was with great excitement that we headed out to eat. The kids were excited and Chance was beaming at the opportunity to take us out to eat.

I find it amazing that Chance does so well at spelling. Hearing the subtle differences in words does not come as easily to him as it does when you have perfect hearing. He really focuses though and works hard to get the spellings right.

We are very proud of Chance and his willingness to strive for excellence. There are no limits to what Chance can do or be. And he comes with added perks. Chance plans to next save coupons from Burger King so he can take us out to eat again.

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