
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Chance and the water

Our family went to an amusement park this past week and Chance as usual was the most daring out of all of our kids.

This was a little disconcerting when he was younger and we just found out he was deaf. Chance's dad and I talked about what the odds were that our deaf son would have to be the most daring out of all our kids.
We went to play at a lake with extended family when Chance was 5 and a half and of course his hearing aids came out so he could play in the water. Chance had had a session of swimming lessons that summer and figured that he had this swimming thing down. He even pointed out a huge rock clear out in the lake and informed me that he wanted to swim out to that rock. I told him it was too far and got him interested in playing with cousins on the shore.

Later in the day, as my husband and I were scanning the beach for our kids and their present location, we didn't see Chance. Not seeing Chance caused us to be more nervous than if we didn't immediately see one of the other kid since he wouldn't hear us call his name.

Suddenly I spotted Chance dog paddling in the direction of the huge rock out in the lake. He was still close to shore, but mercy!

I was reminded of this incident when we were at the amusement park and the kids were playing in the huge fountains set up for people to play in. Several different fountains of water are set up in a circular pattern and water squirts from various holes in the ground arcing up and surrounding you in towers of water.
There is one place where all of the different fountains come together causing a white wall of water with spray that is difficult to even see through/

Most people playing in the fountain run through the various sprays but few dare enter the deluge of water that is caused where the fountains all come together. That is the first place Chance went......I could barely see the colors of his clothes through the resulting mist of the crash of water. He came out just beaming. And really really wet.

Earlier in the day, Chance went to a water park inside the amusement park. The kids all talked about how Chance was the most brave on the water slides. He went off slides that caused you to free fall at the end. He thought that was great where his siblings thought once was enough thank you.

Chance's deafness does not stop him from taking chances and doing what he wants to do. Whether he can hear at the time or not! I am thankful for that.

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