Chance is not attaching to his new mapping. He got a new mapping done on his implant a few weeks ago, but when ever we check his implant, it is back on the old map.
When they program implants, there are 4 settings they slide programs into. Setting one may be the newest setting. Program two may be a setting to use for groups that focuses the microphone directly in front of you so that you can better hear people talking to you, isolating their voices from the surrounding noise. Program 3 may be the old program. It just depends on what you and your audiologist feel is right for you.
Chance's programming had setting one and two being the new program, program 3 being a setting to use in groups, and program 4 being the old mapping. Before seeing the audiologist a few weeks ago, Chance had not had his mapping retouched since November. Chance apparently bonded with his old program as he keeps flipping his implant to number 4.
When we ask Chance why he does not like programs one and two, he tells us that "it is for when people are loud!" Hmmmmm. Since none of us have experience wearing implants ourselves, we don't know how this would sound. But Chance seems to have some kind of aversion.
We'll be going back to the audiologist next week, and we'll see if we can get to the bottom of this little mystery. The audiologist spent lots of time asking Chance questions and working with him to get the right mapping. For our next appointment, the audiologist has blocked our 3 hours for us. And that was before we knew that Chance would have attachment issues with his new mapping! The plan at the appointment is that we will test Chance with both implants on, check residual hearing etc.(what Chance retained of the hearing he did have before getting the implant. It is common to lose some hearing you may have when you get the implants. But when your own hearing lets you hear garbage trucks, airplanes and lawn mowers, and leaves out most of the speech sounds like Chance's hearing, you can only go up from there:)
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