
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Chance Can Cook

Chance is still spending each day chilling out in his flat each day as the COVID 19 
pandemic moves through England.
I am very grateful that boy learned to cook.
He is making some good meals and at least eating more than
junk food.
He continues to study his scriptures each day, refine his language skills
in Mandarin and prepare for the day when he and his 
companion can go back out into the world.
Chance's phone calls home and his Facebook posts are uplifting
to all of us and help us stay connected.
I am excited to see the pictures he sends home of spring in England.
He forgot to attach his pictures this week though we 
got the descriptions of what each picture was.
We'll just have to wait for next week to see the actual pictures, although
we do know from his descriptions that we will see a swan on a river.

This is what Chance had to say in his email home this week:

General Conference was truly amazing and such a blessing. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have my questions that I had, answered. It was great to hear the wonderful messages. There was a lot of different overall themes, and one of them that I loved was talking about Unity. 

My family and friends, unity is so key in this gospel. We all have differences, we all have different ideas sometimes, but that is okay. Because these differences truly can compliment each other. It is when we all come together that great things come to pass. We are all sons and daughters of God, let's unite in the same thing that we all believe in, Jesus Christ and his Gospel. Everything else will fall into place. 

Keep reviewing through the general conference talks frequently. It will bring many blessings into your life. As president Nelson said (I'm paraphrasing), As we listen to the prophets and apostles, we will be guided through this maze. And we will have more power to resist the adversary and his tactics. We will also have power to get through our trials. 

I love you all so much! Keep doing what you can in quarantine. I invite each of you to use social media as a platform to share the gospel and the wonderful peace and hope that it brings. You never know who it can reach. So start posting stuff about the gospel, if we all do it, the whole world will see it, and more and more will increasingly become interested in what we share.