You know how moms take pictures of their little kids when they get a haircut......well I took pictures of Chance getting his haircut last week.
You will notice that the front of Chance's hair is a different color than the rest of his hair. He was dying the front of his hair a lighter color on purpose for over a year. Then he stopped.
Apparently his hair didn't get the message. Chance dyed the front of his hair back to the
same color of brown as the rest of his hair and all his hair was the same color again.
Now, the front of Chance's hair is going lighter than the rest of his hair---without
Chance even trying to do make it happen.
I guess we'll see what happens to his hair this summer.
Chance decided to buzz the sides of his hair and leave the top longer.
Chance has an eventful summer planned this year. He just got back from scout camp (pictures coming soon), he has been mowing lawns and working at a print shop when they need him, he will go to a camp called Basecamp later this summer and we have a family trip planned.
Chance is also getting ready to get his driver's license, all he has to do is get in his driving time in with an instructor.
Chance really is quite fun to have around. He makes us laugh and he is really helpful around the house.
He is a natural organizer and is good at cleaning. Every mom could use a kid like that.