Chance just got back from a 5 day trip to San Francisco, California for school. He ate shrimp while he was there and he really liked it. Shrimp. This little ocean creature would not have been added to Chance's diet had he not stayed in Hawaii for 4 weeks during the summer where he gained an appreciation for seafood.
When Chance was about 10 years old we went on a family vacation to Southern California. We wanted to give the kids an opportunity to try some seafood since we were by the ocean and they don't get much of a chance to eat seafood at home. We ordered a pasta dish with shrimp at a restaurant and Chance's brother gave it a try and enjoyed the new flavor. Chance gave it a try and we had an embarrassing moment where we thought Chance was going to throw up at our table. We were gently telling him to spit the shrimp into his napkin and to take a drink of soda pop to get the taste out of his mouth before we had an incident.

Chance's taste buds have matured, and they were further refined in Hawaii where he was exposed to several different foods including lots of seafood. Chance has adapted to shrimp so well in fact, that he has asked us if we can add it to a Spanish dish that his dad regularly makes here at home called paella. Paella traditionally has shrimp as an ingredient but we have left it off for many years now for the children. Now, Chance and his brother as the oldest children are asking that we add shrimp into our diets. Who could have guessed that would happen?

Chance had a fantastic time in San Francisco. His brother and several of his best friends from school were able to travel together which made it even more exciting. They all got to ride a train to California which was a 17 hour trip. The boys did sleep a bit on the train, but there was also a lot of eating and playing card games with friends as well. Chance's younger brothers and sisters were quite jealous when we dropped the boys off at the train station. It is not common here to travel by train to other states so this was a new experience for most of the kids headed to San Francisco. We have heard it was quite the experience and look forward to hearing more details in the days to come.
The boys were so enamored with the city that they neglected to take many photos with people in them. Chance didn't take one photo with him in it. No selfies on this trip.